Most plasma cutter manufacturers have done the legwork for you and developed charts containing the settings you need to use for different thicknesses and types of materials. These are awesome base settings to start with, but for many reasons, you may need to tweak these a little to achieve the [...]

Determining that a plasma cutter is the right tool for your needs is an initial decision. However, navigating through the myriad of options available is a distinct challenge. Numerous factors come into play that can influence your choice of brand or system. Even after narrowing down to a specific [...]

Perfect Welders' MIG-280P MIG Welder is a versatile powerhouse that seamlessly blends advanced technology with practical functionality. As a professional welder evaluation engineer, I've thoroughly examined this welding machine, and here's my comprehensive review. MIG-280P MIG Welder Review: [...]

Mastering the art of MIG welding requires one crucial element: learning how to optimize MIG welding gas pressure. Shielding gas plays a key role in protecting the welding arc and the molten weld pool from atmospheric air and other impurities, ensuring the formation of high-quality welds. MIG [...]