Tag: mig welding machine

The Perfect Power MIG-160I Digital MIG Welding Machine (160 AMP MIG Welder)features a 60% rated duty cycle which allows you to weld for six minutes and then rest for four minutes. Uses 0.6-0.8mm flux-cored wire. Perfect for entry-level and professional welders. Includes mig welding gun, 3m(L) [...]

The four standard welding processes used in most manual welding applications are MIG, TIG, stick, and Flux-cored arc welding. What we are going to talk about today is Flux-cored arc welding(FCAW), which is a semi-automatic arc welding process, that uses a tubular flux-cored wire, and doesn’t [...]

If you ask any welder out there, their usual choice while welding body panels and sheet metals would be MIG welding. There is a very simple reasoning behind this, MIG welding does not run as hot as flux-core. During the latter, the wires use more heat as the arc also has to burn the flux inside [...]